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Molly Cain, DHS Capital Factory GovCity, Washington DC, DC

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Molly looks like a short, bull butch but acts like an entitled princess. Her father in law got her a job in the government working for DHS but her position was merged/eliminated. Plus, her husband filed for divorse so her inlaws couldn't save her bs job. That's fancy for she got fired for all the right reasons. All of us guys at DHS had a party when we heard the news. Ding dong the butch witch is dead. Well, she's not dead. She's apparently a lecturer at Capital Factory claiming she's a lobbyist. Get a life.

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Molly Cain, DHS Capital Factory GovCity, Washington DC, DC

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Molly Cain, new IRS employee, has really done it now. The video of her being fired from Tech Wildcatters is now on youtube and being sent to the cool people. Watch Molly cry, beg, and fingerpoint. Watch Molly accuse Gabriella and Clarisa of sabotaging her career and calling them the b word. Watch Molly claim hostile workplace and blame black entrepreneurs for setting her up in a discrimination claim. Watch her tears wash off her makeup ending up with the crazy clown face. Watch Molly ask why do I keep getting fired from jobs? Watch Molly threaten to sue then cry. Now we are editing the video of her vandalizing the office. And then there is the videos of her crying, screaming and cursing at her coworkers. Maybe we will have time to upload the video of Molly drunk in the office. Totally wasted. Classy Molly Cain, you are finally a social media star. Good luck shutting down the youtube account. try your best!!!

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