ian canham, Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School Burlington Ontario
Mr Canham touches me and i like it
evil man, touches minors, dating an 18 year old, the leonardo decaprio...
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ian canham, Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School Burlington Ontario
evil man, touches minors, dating an 18 year old, the leonardo decaprio of bad teachers and the lebron of making women uncomfortable
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howard conter, Gladstone
Effective and thorough. Knows my history and referrals to all concerns to specialty areas when necessary. Excellent management of time as well as bedside manners. He is simply the best!
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Mr.Hamza, 1 Canadas Wonderland Road
Mr.Hamza teach science, mr hamza is good. Mr.hamza do Kahoot, mr.hamza gamer, mr.hamza pass vibe check.
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Julie Larose, Externat Sacré-Coeur, Montréal, Quebec
Pire prof de math que j'ai eu mais au moin elle a un esti de gros cul que je voudrais bien baiser!
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Jaclyn yeo, River East, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Wonderful teacher! With a absolutely gorgeous ***!
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