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2.4 out of 5.



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Ellen Anderson, Harriton High School, Radnor, PA, 19010

Rating: 1 out of 5.


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ms mcgarrity, is187, new york, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Ms Mcgarrity, I had her as my teacher about 15 years ago I cannot believe that obese *** is still employed. The amount of time this greasy fat hoe mentions her "fiance"& how she is "Queen of the Click" is an abomination to society.. she power trips to middle schoolers. She's a real piece of *** & lives in her deluded imagination of reality. She does not even have a fiance that she claims to have. Apparently she's been telling students for more than decade about her "fiance/husband".. Yeah ok lol. This *** is not real. She is a mythical creature that isn't human - she has oil in her veins instead of blood & her skin is fabricated from rat poison like the nasty *** that she is. Even if she does get what she deserves which is to get by a school bus, her big back would probably destroy it with all the children inside bc that's what she does, she feeds upon kids' souls so that she can keep her Ursula looking plate cleaner archetype in its purest form. There's a special place in hell for Ms Mcgarrity

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Sergio Martínez, Tyee, Bellevue, WA, 98006

Rating: 5 out of 5.

That is not true. Mr. Martinez is awesome! You cannot even spell Spanish, bro. 5/5 for Mr. Martinez

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Horrible teacher just got suspended from teaching for sexual harassmen...

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Sergio Martínez, Tyee, Bellevue, WA, 98006

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Great teacher, nice person. He really cares about education, and students. I miss Mr. Martínez.

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ms mcgarrity, is187

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Ms mcgarrity is a bad teacher and can go **** herself for teaching us absolutely nothing and she can go to he** for all I care. For whoever is her husband I hope he dumps her a**for eating too much food.

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Anh Nguyen, California High School, San Ramon, CA, 94583

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Even as a summer school teacher she is disorganized, doesn't know what shes doing, inconsiderate, and is always confused. As a teacher of 21 years I would have expected more as a geometry teacher as well. She doesn't TEACH the curriculum she just says the information and isn't making sure the students actually understand it. After lecturing she expects you to fully know the information and if you are stuck on a question she would say "You just learned this." She also has a rude attitude, if you are stuck on something she literally makes you feel stupid. she gets a 1 because she gives out lollipops. (how are we gonna pass a class that we failed, we are here for a reason and she is in no way helping)

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Kate Vanderberg, Killearn Lakes Elementary, Tallahassee, 32312

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Mrs. Vanderberg went above and beyond to makes sure my daughter received the support needed to meet and exceed the foundational benchmarks to progress to the next level. She has always expressed love and compassion towards my girl & every student who’s had the joy of knowing her. Which is pivotal, especially during these years. I cannot express the gratitude my husband & I have in our hearts for her dedication to her students. My daughter just finished 4th grade and still chooses to take the route to class where she can go by and greet Mrs. Vanderberg to this day. We are hoping our son will have her next year! Fingers crossed!

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Sergio Martinez, 13630 SE Allen Rd., Bellevue, WA 98006

Rating: 5 out of 5.

A unique teacher. He uses music to teach Spanish, always helping burritos during tutorial.

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Sergio Martínez, Tyee, Bellevue, WA, 98006

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Excellent teacher, smart, persistent in learning goals. I learned a lot from Mr. Martinez. Gracias!

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Mr. Martinez is a fantastic teacher! He is very talented. Some student...

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ms mcgarrity, is187

Rating: 5 out of 5.

ms mcgarrity punished me by making me look at her face

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