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Natalie Wester and Jose Lopez, Rowlett, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Jose is a twat with a smelly beard.

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Natalie Wester and Jose Lopez, Rowlett, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

That dumb twat and her short mexi husband tried getting a local business shutdown. They went so far as to be interviewed in the news and wrote negative reviews against the owner and his business. Natalie and Jose, you are what's wrong with this country. An idiot karen and liberal cross the border parasite that are draining our country of its taxes and common sense.

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Natalie Wester and Jose Lopez, Rowlett, TX

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Jose is a nice enough guy. Dumb, but nice enough I suppose. I was kinda shocked to learn they tried to get the local sportsbar shutdown for not making everyone there wear a mask. Now that the democrats and their mentally absent president have focused their attention on helping the mail order brides in the ukraine, texas has forgotten all about covid and everything is back to normal.

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Natalie Wester and Jose Lopez, Rowlett, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

2 dumb fat shorties that thought covid was the next black plague and made a big deal that masks would actually protect or do anything, other than make them look stupid. Well, as we all know now, they were wrong. Respect business owners.

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