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ms mcgarrity, is187

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I haven't met the woman, but based on these reviews, she is the Stankova Supreme TM.

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Reviews on Ms. McGarrity

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Fat is fat. And this woman is FAT.

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ms mcgarrity, is187

Rating: 1 out of 5.

You are so lucky you never met her.

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I haven't met the woman, but based on these reviews, she is the Stanko...

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Reviews on Ms. McGarrity

Rating: 1 out of 5.

It seems that Ms. McGarrity's weight is all this reviewer's commentary revolves around. Whoever this is, please stop being fatphobic. I understand if you are concerned about someone's health if they are extremely overweight (obese), but even so, that person's size does not determine their capacity to teach a math class. Imagine if someone told you that you were an awful student and could never have any academic success simply because society perceived one of your features as ugly (e.g. you were chubby, had crossed eyes, had a large nose, etc.). That is the emotional turmoil you are putting her through. If you think she could benefit from criticism, then please post constructive reviews on here.

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Reviews on Ms. McGarrity

Rating: 1 out of 5.

The truth is, she is so fat both of her butt checks hand off the sides of her special, massive hippo chair.

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Reviews on Ms. McGarrity

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Whoever said to be respectful is a snowflake. The truth is the truth. If you don't like it, its because you are a liar.

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Reviews on Ms. McGarrity

Rating: 1 out of 5.

It seems that Ms. McGarrity's weight is all this reviewer's commentary revolves around. Whoever this is, please stop being fatphobic. I understand if you are concerned about someone's health if they are extremely overweight (obese), but even so, that person's size does not determine their capacity to teach a math class. Imagine if someone told you that you were an awful student and could never have any academic success simply because society perceived one of your features as ugly (e.g. you were chubby, had crossed eyes, had a large nose, etc.). That is the emotional turmoil you are putting her through. If you think she could benefit from constructive criticism, then please post *respectful* reviews on here.

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ms.mcgarrity, is187, new york, NY

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She tries to have fun and tell stories or be relatable and I appreciate it but she's a terrible teacher. She doesn't understand that we need more than just basic instructions. She runs through things like we should already know what to do and her instructions are vague. I'm always scared to email her or do anything wrong, infact, me and my friends have a dm in discord where we ask each other what to do and figure out different parts so we don't have to ask her for help or anything like that. She's unreasonable and forces work on us like we don't have other classes to worry about. She claims to dislike homework yet gives us so much confusing work that we're forced to do it as homework. When one of us have to write an email to her, we ask each other if it's correct. Hell, we're scared if we didn't hit enter enough times! She doesn't even understand tech issues, and she's the tech teacher! She should be grateful for the 1 point I gave her because that's already being generous considering how terrible she is. And I'm sure that any student that has her shares my sentiment. So fellow suffering students who are reading through reviews of her, imagine having her as your homeroom teacher. Yeah, it's closer to hell than lil nas x and that's saying ***.

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Category: Ranter

Kid Rating Ms. McGarrity

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Do you smell Putin? I believe he's in on these reviews.

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ms mcgarrity, is187

Rating: 1 out of 5.

She always tells stories that don't even sound real just to make a point. Her directions are also bullshit and she doe't even have good teaching skills. She never repeats anything, s if you couldn't hear what she said, your done. I'm always scared because sometimes I can't hear what she said and we can't ask our classmates either. She's unreasonable and makes us work like we don't have our classes to worry about. She literally teaches things that aren't even tech like socializing but she doesn't even socialize herself! There should be a 0 point because 1's too generous! And I'm sure that any student that has her shares my sentiment. We're all suffering students who are reading through these reviews. God help us please we're suffering.

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