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HAYDEN BLACKBURN, Dallas, Fort Worth, Texas Cowtown Investors

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Hayden Blackburn, Dr. Pallab Chatterjee, Hal Lambert, and Dr. Andrew Lee are a bunch of scumbag investors running around Ft Worth and claiming to help entrepreneurs and startups. Don't believe it for a second. These gold digging scavengers invest pennies but take millions. Look at their deals! Its sad these scumbags are in Cowtown Angels and teach at Dallas Baptist and SMU. They probably only teach at the colleges to steal ideas and companies from college students.

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HAYDEN BLACKBURN, Dallas, Fort Worth, Texas Cowtown Investors

Rating: 1 out of 5.

A real scumbag. Avoid all investments and deals with this pos.

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Ricky Tejapaibul, Tech Wildcatters, Dallas, Fort Worth

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Greedy, lying, incompetent, deceitful, two faced POS running a jerk me off accelerator in DFW that preys on startups and young women. Avoid him and his North Texas Angel Network crooks Jeff Murphy, Trey Bowles, and Chris Wilkes.

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Hubert Zajicek, 3000 Pegasus Park Dr, Dallas, TX 75247

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Lies, Lies, Lies. This site needs to fact check before publishing reviews.

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Hubert Zajicek, 3000 Pegasus Park Dr, Dallas, TX 75247

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I am a 10 plus year mentor of Health Wildcatters. I know Hubert and I can't believe someone would write such ridiculous lies about him on this site. Hubert calls it like he sees it. If you can't handle that, then grow up and do your job. He is highly ethical and incredibly smart. He has an MD. I think we all know who is slamming him with these bs reviews. Ask Hubert or anyone else what they think about Molly Cain, Clarisa Lindenmeyer, or that dumb, sticky fingered *** Gabriella. Good riddance to those troublemakers. Amen.

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Hubert Zajicek, 3000 Pegasus Park Dr, Dallas, TX 75247

Rating: 1 out of 5.

He is a bossy, narcissistic know it all that does not respect women or their opinions. He has left many a good woman in his wake of misogyny. If you study his hiring practices, you will notice he does hire a lot of women, usually young and attractive. However, upon careful review of his attrition rates, most of these women are either fired without cause or leave on their own. These are highly intelligent women with impeccable resumes, top notch educational credentials, and marketing chops that frankly embarrass Hubert. He is scared by these women, and his reaction is to belittle them, oppress, and dismiss.

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Dr. L Stankova, Dallas, TX

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Best doctor and investor. She can shove her long finger up a prostate so fast it's no wonder she is the top doc.

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I invested with Dr. Stankova and she took all my money. Sure, I was ha...

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Category: Dallas Veterans Hospital

Dentist Villafane, TX

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Hes better than Dr. Brevelle. That guy loves to pull teeth.

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I was given this dentist Villafane. This guy is COOL. Didn't feel a ...

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Category: Dallas Veterans Hospital

Dentist Villafane, TX

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Hes better than Dr. Brevelle. That guy loves to pull teeth.

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I was given this dentist Villafane. This guy is COOL. Didn't feel a ...

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Category: Molly Cain

Deputy Director IRS, Dallas, Texas

Rating: 5 out of 5.

No no people. Don't believe the lies! Let me set the record straight. My name is Molly Cain. I am the deputy Director of the Internal Revenue Service. I was CEO of tech based lobbying firm Gov City and I was CEO of a major female empowerment company called GlassHeel. One of the first of its kind. As you can see, I am not only a trailblazer, but I'm also credible. So credible that the government trusts me enough to make me an executive of the IRS. I was not fired or rejected by Comerica Bank, Tech or Health Wildcatters, or any employer. If anything, I was laid off because those companies suffered from poor management. I left the entire Texas startup ecosystem because I was the victim of constant sexual harassment from Hubert Zajicek, Ken Anderson, Steven Gehfeld, Robert Brevelle, Doug Lunn, Tony Milikin, Ricky Tejapaibul, Harry Kochat, Kevin Vela, and Stephen Hayes. Then there were the interns that harassed me daily it seems. I am an entrepreneur but I can't remember a company I founded that actually made a dollar of revenue or profit. That's what these horrible men do to women like me. Make life so crazy that I can't remember all of my successes. But I am happy now. Working at the IRS going after men, conservatives, republicans, and the like. Yes, I'm back you biooochees. Molly Cain forever!

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