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Best Shark Tank Pitch of All Time

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Do you enjoy goofy home videos? Then, on YouTube, type "anonymousindividual7387," and select the channel which pops up first. Watch "Best Shark Tank Pitch of All Time." It's hilarious!

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Best Shark Tank Pitch of All Time

Rating: 5 out of 5.


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Best Shark Tank Pitch of All Time

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Do you enjoy funny home videos? Then, on YouTube, type "anonymousindividual7387," and select the channel which pops up first. Watch "Best Shark Tank Pitch of All Time." It's hilarious!

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Best Shark Tank Pitch of All Time

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Looking for a short, funny video? Then, on YouTube, type "anonymousindividual7387," and select the channel which pops up first. Watch "Best Shark Tank Pitch of All Time." It's hilarious!

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Category: Doctor

keith raskin, 317 east 34 st, new york, NY

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr. Raskin is the One!! last feb,. my then 14 year-old boy started to have pain in his right wrist, with no obvious injury, and with rest, pain med, he did not get any better but worse. after second mri in july, he was diagnosed with kienbock's disease and was put in cast. we were graciously recommended by our dr. to look for a more experienced surgeon for this condition. so from then and there, my family started a very long, hard and draining journey for a trustworthy surgeon to operate on my son for this rare but serious condition, esp. in a teenager. we covered pretty much all the renowned pediatric orthopedic facility on the east coast, including boston children's hospital, children's hospital of philadelphia, hss in nyc, and met with top pediatric orthopedics. unfortunately, each dr. had his own understanding of the condition and no two came up with the same surgery plan and none sounded even close to being assuring for his own plan. at one point we were told to go back and wait till the condition got worse enough for the very aggressive surgery at the next level. meanwhile my son, a very athletic kid and a competitive baseball player, was wearing the case from elbow down ( from the diagnosis in july till surgery in dec). frustration, exhaustion, desperation, helplessness, financial burden, missing school....all that doesnot even begin to describe what we went through.... untill in nov., right before thanksgiving, i was sitting in front of my computer, having exhausted all resources and feeling desperate, not knowing where to go next, when i got a phone call from dr. raskin's office that changed everything!! in no time, i found myself sitting with my son and dr. raskin in his office, settling down on his least aggressive, most assuring and convincing surgery plan with best postoperative prospect. dr. raskin, is god-sent!! he is very kind, patient, personable, understanding, warm. his office feels like a living room at a friend's house, very relaxing and welcoming. his assistant and staffs are very patient and attentive. above all this, dr. raskin is proved to be and stays as an experienced, top-notch surgeon in his field. in april this year, four months after the surgery, my son was cleared for sports and nowadays, he is pitching and in-fielding for baseball and dunking on basketball court. my family cant never thank dr. raskin enough!! we recommend him highly and without any reservation.

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Category: Doctor


Rating: 1 out of 5.

Doctor I would never ever recommend a magazine that was discontinued the American Way used to sit in chair backs of airlines along with the sky mall both you could pay to get into also discontinued for those of us who are old enough to remember those magazines to tell people how good you are smells of desperation. Are you desperate doctor by your negative reviews absolutely everywhere I would say so? I would also never tell people that you received doctor of the year from the VA hospital either a place were many veterans including my neighbor a Vietnam veteran are all F. UP. Its a public hospital for veterans a TRAINING HOSPITAL for up and coming doctors who get to practice without fear nothing more. THEY HAVE TO PRACTICE SOMEWHERE. I would agree with that they have to gain experience. Most people know the VA hospital is were careers start as most medical students do time at some VA hospital somewhere I did and were careers die as they want the protection of never being able to be sued personally or fired as every American knows the FEDERAL workforce his huge and keeps on growing its truly the best job to have. My experience in the medical field is 1 bad review is one thing 5 bad reviews is another when you have 50 plus bad reviews across every aspect of the internet, social platforms, blogs, bulletin boards dark web you have a serious, serious problem as a person and a doctor. Doctor of the year is not just given out for bringing in the most grant money as the lady said its also given out for being published in some cases. When a doctor, psychiatrist etc can not get published on the own they attach there name to a study you probably have attached your name to more then a few studies to make yourself look good everyone does it exactly like a congressperson does a bill to add legitimacy to there credentials every American knows this it happens all the time. It does not add value or make you a better doctor if you sucked before you will certainly *** afterwards Americans know this. As a head hunter I would make this suggestion doctor. Ask Yourself why do people hate you? Is it your attitude? Do you think you are better then everyone else? Do you treat your patients with dignity and respect they deserve value there opinion? Have you ever asked your patients were you could improve? When you find that out your reputation as a doctor and a person might turn around but right now I would NEVER send you out on a job interview. You are RADIOACTIVE as they say. If you can not find that anwser you should certainly find a new career as you are a danger to yourself thinking you are better then you are and a danger to your patients. I have worked in the medical field for over 35 years its just my opinion take it with a grain of salt.

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Category: Doctor

Lenka stankova, 4500 s lancaster, Dallas, TX, 76119

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Cindy from Minot I AGREE 100 PERCENT the comment regarding VA Hospitals, CBOCS etc all hospital for that matter should post the picture off all doctors. We do not want Lenka Stankovas in MINOT and hanging the pictures allowing Veterans to put names to faces would help with that. The best doctors get the most bookings the worst doctors get fired. WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE hanging pictures of all doctors will SAVE LIVES. As far as MINOT goes it needs to work on appointments the wait time can be frustrating.

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Category: Celebrity

John Cena

Rating: 5 out of 5.

In addition to being an awesome actor and rapper, John Cena is one of the best WWE wrestlers of all time. He also cares about giving back to the world, setting a Guiness World Record by granting 650 wishes for terminally ill children through Make-A-Wish. What an icon!

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Category: Doctor

Michael Cesa, Stony brook, NY

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr Cesa us Caring. Makes time to chat and answer questions and is just wonderful. The best of all my doctors. I look forward to my visit. He is so recommended by me

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Category: Doctor

Dr Lisa Kay Mao, 1445 NW Boca Raton Blvd, Boca Raton, FL, 33432

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr Mao is by far the best doctor I have seen. I have been going for many years to Dr. Mao, she is accurate, caring and most of all patient, Most doctors today want you in and out -she spent as much time as I needed and I never felt rushed. I would highly recommend her. Her staff is also top notch and I never had to wait more than 10 minutes. Day or night Dr. Mao has always answered my questions - Absolutely, the best Doctor

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