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boss baby

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Category: Teacher

Susanforging Morgan, Manchester Township Middle School, Manchester, NJ, 08759

Rating: 3 out of 5.

That's right baby. Them kids got bad parents. Teacher Morgan is good. She can't fix stupid parents or lazy kids. You people need to recognize!

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mop mop wipple bop do the salsa do the drop drop it like it’s hot ye...

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Category: Teacher

katie oconnor, terenure collge

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Absolutely amazing teacher so sexy I always drift off in class to the thought of her bouncing up and down on me fully *** and slabbing her mommy milkers in my face the thought of it makes me so aroused katie if u see this baby u no where to find me ??

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Category: Doctor

stankova, DALLAS

Rating: 1 out of 5.

One of the top 50 doctors in the United States I don't think so. Mother of the Year by the PTA I also don't think so. it's just too many negative comments across too many platforms by way too many people not to be taken seriously not just this one for that to be true. Somebody's tooting their own horn witch tracks my investigation that doctor stankova has a huge ego cares more about herself then her patients and is on the bottom of the scale when it comes to proficiency something I didn't want for my babies. I investigated Dr stankova as well as many other ENTs as a possible candidates to look at my baby's ears every time they get into the water they have ear infections so now they have tubes in there ears and have to put wax in their ears every single time they go swimming. Some of the parents on this platform probably know exactly what I'm talking about .It's a hassle but we'll do almost anything for our babies. I determined up on my investigation that I would be a bad parent if I allowed doctor stankova or any other Doctor Who is the stankova near my babies ears. As far as parent of the year there's not a parent out there that doesn't question whether they made the right decisions whether they screwed up their kid worry every single minute that passes all they can hope and pray for that their kid makes it to 18 without going to jail for anything serious I question evey decision worry 24/7 about my babies as every parent does

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Category: Scumbag Businessmen And Rich Investors

Marco Antonio SORIANO, New York, NY, Dallas, TX, Houston, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I hate rich and sexy men like Marco. All they do is fill you full of baby batter and make you guzzle man juice. Then they dump you like a piece of trash. I'm a woman. Don't you know I'm powerful, smart, and smarter than any man. Just because you have money doesn't mean you are better than me. I should report you for sexual harassment or ***. I never liked you and you *** in bed.

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Category: Airlines

Nastiest Passengers

Rating: 1 out of 5.

As a flight attendant my entire life we can tell you all about some of the nastiest passengers on the plane real stankovas. While the stories are vary between flight attendants they are horrid in nature my worst passengers are the ones that change babies diapers on the tray table in front of other passengers instead of going to the bathroom then choose to leave it behind for us. We are there to keep you safe, we can not do that if we are in the back vomiting due to the smell. Take your baby to the the bathroom please!

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Category: Teacher

ms mcgarrity, is187

Rating: 1 out of 5.

she dont want a baby cuz the baby gonna eat all her food

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Category: Third String Entertainment

Mike Ziemer, Dallas Texas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Creepy scammy promoter who loves to *** over bands and his employees. Used to have some really young girlfriends even though he is much older. Does more coke than a Wall Street exec. Definitely a trust fund baby. Has lots of companies and pretends to be an expert at everything from running a music label, to the stock market, to social media marketing - but he’s the only employee and all of their clients are fake.

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Category: Teacher

Tysinger math, Emma, Rip Rancho

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Treats me like I’m a baby

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Category: Doctor

Gagandeep Randhawa, 5777 W Maple Rd #180, west bloomfield, MI, 48323

Rating: 1 out of 5.

The office visit was fine and Dr. Randhawa seemed to have a good bedside manner. But her office is worse than a Third World operation. Getting it to call in my mom's multiple drugs was a nightmarish experience not just once but twice. THe doctor had to find the American equivalent of the Indian drugs my mom was taking. THe first time around, they called in the drugs to the wrong pharmacy, on the wrong birth-date and got her BP medicine wrong (she ordered a medicine without the diuretic combo). It took an hour-long futile visit to her clinic, dozens of calls and countless hours to get everything straightened out. The second time, I called twice and texted twice before getting any response. Finally, when I did, I actually texted a written list of all the drugs my mom needed to avoid any confusion and then went over the list with her assistant, hoping to avoid a repeat of the first time. No such luck. They again did not call in the diuretic and the baby aspirin. (One other med that I thought that they had not called it turned out the pharmacy could not dispense for two weeks.) ANd getting them to rectify that mistake during the holiday week ended up being an exercise in abuse and humiliation. Folks, do yourself a favor and find another doctor. This one is not worth it. She takes no responsibility for her mistakes and knows only how to point fingers at everyone else.

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