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GovCity, GlassHeel, Sumo Ventures, Epigen, Comerica, DHS, IRS, Yoga Instructor Claiming Hostile Harassment
Benji slammed her big, fat hairy melon of a snatch and bukkakeed on her ugly downsyndrome face. Molly Cain. Deputy Director, IRS Internal Revenue Service. She likes it dirty and jewish.
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GovCity, GlassHeel, Sumo Ventures, Epigen, Comerica, DHS, IRS, Yoga Instructor Claiming Sexual Harassment
Molly alleged sexual harassment and hostile work environment against multiple men at 24 Hour Fitness (she is a volunteer assistant to the assistant yoga instructor), DHS, Tech Wildcatters, and GovCity. As you can tell, she makes these allegations pretty much everywhere she works. If you were bored enough to read her blogs on GlassHeel and GovCity, you would know she is a male-bashing ANTIFA nut that believes in equality as long as it discriminates against men and blacks. Read her blogs if you don't believe me. That's right. She is a raccisst from Texas A and M. She wore black face and loved telling black jokes. She has had 3 discrimination complaints filed against her by men and women, all were black. She was fired from 2 of her jobs for harassing her male employees, and fired from another job from fighting with women. She calls them "no big deal, its just a cat fight". She's a lifeless monster of below average intelligence that nobody wants, which makes her perfect to work for the US government. She works at the IRS. That's right. Ms. Smarty Pants that is a world famous entrepreneur, business woman, blogger, and inventor works at the one place on earth that is despised for its bureaucracy, stifling work environment, power hungry losers, and army of boring, mindless nuts that can't cut it in the real world. Congrats you yoga nazi. You finally found a home.
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GovCity, GlassHeel, Sumo Ventures, Epigen, Comerica, DHS, IRS, Yoga Instructor Claiming Sexual Harassment
Wow. Molly Cain. I haven't heard that name in awhile. Basically ever since she was fired and run out of the Dallas DEC and Capital Factory. I'm surprised to hear she works at the IRS. Math and numbers in general were never her forte. I always thought she was better suited to be an elementary teacher or receptionist. She likes to talk. I recall that her ex-husband and his family worked for Dept of State. That and the IRS are always competing for the most corrupt worthless government agency. I suppose it makes sense Molly would end up there harassing real businessmen and entreprenuers to squeeze taxes out of them. If you can't be successful on your own, I suppose scamming 30% off the top of other peoples' income is as good as it gets. I hope she never returns to Dallas.
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GovCity, GlassHeel, Sumo Ventures, Epigen, Comerica, DHS, IRS, Yoga Instructor Claiming Sexual Harassment
Ricky Teja refused to hire Molly Cain back after she was fired for theft and making false claims against her coworkers and boss. Gabriella is still on staff at TW and she refuses to work with Molly Cain again. Molly now works at the IRS thanks to her family ties at the State Department. Nepotism thrives with losers in Bidenland.
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Category: IRS
Molly Cain, Cameltoe, USA
I'm an intern assigned to research and counter the efforts of the infamous troll, Molly Cain. Molly Cain works at the IRS. She was hired after being fired from Epigen Technology, Tech Wildcatters and Comerica Bank. She was named in several cases of criminal mischief and property damage in Texas. She has filed multiple cases of discrimination, sexual harassment, and hostile workplace in Texas. She was named and accused in a discrimination case by an African American female. Molly is clearly a racccist and enjoys telling jokes like a bigot. She will say every man is after her, harassing her, and holding her back. Contact her previous employers. Glassheel, sumo ventures and govcity are not prior employers. Those are just websites she created herself. LOSER
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Category: Yoga Instructor
Molly Cain, Wannabe Cali but in Texas
Molly is a crazy hot mess. Shes a volunteer yoga instructor that brags about being a former Director of Homeland Security. I found out she is totally full of it. First off shes not good a yoga. And her jobs are all lies. I found a Dallas news article where she was fired from Tech Wildcatters and Comerica Bank. I mean, like really fired and dragged out by security! She slept with her boss at some company called Sumo Ventures...hopefully he wasn't sumo. But he did fire her too according to the website. So much stuff about her being fired from some place called Epigen and sexual harassment cases everywhere. Repeat victim touting the powers of yoga.
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Category: IRS
Molly Cain, Associate director of enterprise digitalization
She is the same molly that was fired from tech wildcatters, comerica bank, and zielke investments. Her boss Gabriella thought so much of Molly's skills, that she fired her. That's right. Fired and cursed out. Molly cried like the backstabber she is. She was using Gabriella to pump up her side gigs with glassheel and govcity. Both flopped. Molly is now an employee of the IRS. Perfect place for this friendless, husbandless, barren, cold hearted male basher. I'm sure she'll leave a wake of sexual harassment claims and allegations of sexism there just like she did everywhere else, including Epigen and comerica. No one will touch her in Texas. Not even capital factory. She is like a cancer to any organization.
Divorced for being a pos cheating ***e. The same Molly Cain that lied ...
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Category: IRS
Molly Cain, Cameltoe, USA
What's it like being a worthless, short fat loser? You found the perfect home. Lol. What a joke.nfired from Comerica Bank. Fired from tech wildcatters. Loving off mommy and daddy. Oh yeah how did your volunteer jobs at the defunct and worthless companies sumo ventures, glassheel and govcity work out for ya?!? Hahahahaha. Silly little troll. Nik says hi you trolling jizz guzzle. January 10 2023 and you are still an old loser. Geez
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Category: IRS
Molly Cain, Associate director of enterprise digitalization
Wore blackface at Tex A&M. Got drunk and talked about how the KKK used to be a political party for good. Yes, Molly is your typical undersexed Karen trying to recover from daddy issues while living off of daddy's trust fund. Her jobs at sumo ventures, glassheel, forbes, govcity, and cuntsrule are fake jobs she made up. She owns that websites. Shes a scammer.
I worked for Molly Cain, and the reviews are true. She is a loud, emot...
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Category: GlassHeel, Sumo Ventures
Molly Catherine Cain, Texas
Ask Adam Whitney about Molly Cain. He exposed her for lying about being fired from Tech Wildcatters and for claiming fake employment at Sumo Ventures and GlassHeel. She was a volunteer at those companies. Not paid. Free volunteer loser troll. Now works at IRS where all of the trolls go. Her ex in laws work for goverment so they got her a job there even tho she aint qualified. Must be nice to live a white girl privileged life.
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