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Category: Loan Scam

Juan Carlos Olvera, Dallas All American Properties, LLC, Duncanville, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Mexican going by Juan Carlos Olvera Sr ripping investors off for real estate loans. Don't be scammed. DOB 6/10/1970. Lives at 175 Peninsula Drive, Rowlett, Tx 75089.

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Category: CPA Fraud

Lan Buttery, 3212 N Jupiter Rd Ste 109, Garland, TX 75044

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This is a report on *** worker Lan Buttery dated February 10, 2021. Lan is also known as Lan Huong Buttery, Lan Bui, Lan Huong, and Lan Huong Bui. Lan is 59 years old, born in 1962. John R. Buttery of Mckinney TX divorced Lan. Lan is now single. Lan’s addresses are 200 Peninsula Drive Rowlett, TX 75089, 3401 Maddock Dr Mckinney TX 75070, and 3212 N Jupiter Road Garland TX 75044. Lan’s occupations are CPA C07572, Salon proprietor, Massage Parlor proprietor, *** Worker, and Human Trafficker. Lan’s other criminal activity include money laundering, loan sharking, racketeering, insurance fraud, and financial fraud. Lan’s company names include Beautiful Nails, Beauty Spa, Tax Seasons, Akvictoria, Buttery LLC, Lan Bui Associates, Henry’s Togo, Emerald Quest Insurance Agency.

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Category: Restaurant

Carnes Finas San Juan, 150 Peninsula Dr, Rowlett, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Another business scam operated by Juan Carlos Olvera. Used to defraud credit card companies, banks, and people stupid enough to loan him money. And the food ***.

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Category: Real Estate

House for Sale, 175 Peninsula Drive, Rowlett, TX 75089

Rating: 1 out of 5.

You can't get a mortgage on this house. It has structural foundation issues. Look at the foundation in the garage. HUGE uneven cracks. Look at the driveway. HUGE cracks and chunks of concrete falling off the size of a football. Look at the retaining wall. HUGE cracks big enough to stick you dik in. I wasted nearly a month with an offer on this crappy property before my inspector flagged it. Seller is a conman by the name of Juan Favela. He is well known in DFW and on this website. He flips houses with foundation issues and arson. This house has both. He sells used cars on the side. What a winner. BUILD THE WALL.

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Don't be misled by the realtor. The house is a train wreck. Here is wh...

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Category: Real Estate

House for Sale, 175 Peninsula Drive, Rowlett, TX 75089

Rating: 1 out of 5.

You can't get a mortgage on this house. It has structural foundation issues. Look at the foundation in the garage. HUGE uneven cracks. Look at the driveway. HUGE cracks and chunks of concrete falling off the size of a football. Look at the retaining wall. HUGE cracks big enough to stick you dik in. I wasted nearly a month with an offer on this crappy property before my inspector flagged it. Seller is a conman by the name of Juan Favela. He is well known in DFW and on this website. He flips houses with foundation issues and arson. This house has both. He sells used cars on the side. What a winner. BUILD THE WALL.

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Don't be misled by the realtor. The house is a train wreck. Here is wh...

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Gabriella Zielke, Tech Wildcatters, Rowlett, TX

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Gabriella Zielke fired Molly Cain and Clarisa Lindenmeyer from Tech Wildcatters for cause. Molly Cain of GovCity, GlassHeel, and now the IRS. Molly is so awesome and such a visionary that she works with all of the best entrepreneurs and the creative minds at the IRS. That's where the most imaginative and successful business people work...the IRS. Lol. Clarisa Lindenmeyer of Power to Proximity and now on Staff at Gig Wage working for her lover, Craig Lewis. That's right, she's working for Craig. Get you some, girl. Just kidding. That's one of the reasons you were fired...for your *** with Craig during work. Old habits are hard to break. To better yourself, read The Sound of Creation.

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Category: Professional Negligence And Misconduct CPA

Lan Buttery, 3212 N Jupiter Rd Ste 109, Garland, TX 75044

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This cpa will steal your identity from your taxes and get credit cards and loans in your name. She runs Tax Seasons in Garland, TX. She has been repeatedly sued in Dallas, Collin and Tarrant counties for professional negligence, fraud, and violations of the Texas CPA and professional statutes. Crazy asian biootch hires young asian and black men to harass you if you sue her. I think they work for her at her *** parlors. That's where she makes most her money. Here are her fakeassz companies. A HEAVEN CORPORATION 3212 North Jupiter Road, Ste 109 Garland, TX 75044. SAIGON 1 STOP SERVICES 3212 N Jupiter Rd, Ste 109 Garland, TX 75044. AAAK INVESTMENT LLC 3212 N Jupiter Road, Ste 109 Garland, TX 75044. A TEXAS CORPORATION 3212 North Jupiter Rd, Ste 109 Garland, TX 75044. GRANT, RON Richardson, TX 75082. BUTTERY, LAN Mckinney, TX 75070. BUTTERY, LAN 200 Peninsula Drive, Rowlett, TX 75089.

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Category: Distribution And Sales

Mike Michael Heuer, 11102 Liberty Grove Rd, Rowlett, TX, 75089

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Xenophobe salesman. Moreover, he uses his IT Department to manipulate online reviews of his corrupt companies. MB Heuer Real Estate LLC. Tower of Toys, LLC. Michael J Heuer, Kristen Heuer, Brigitte C Heuer. 972-412-6066 and 214-395-7685. So corrupt they have 2 different addresses for the same business address. 11102 Liberty Grove Rd, Rowlett, TX, 75089 and 100 Peninsula Drive, Rowlett, TX 75089. Clustrmaps has exposed them!

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Category: Real Estate

MB Heuer Real Estate LLC, 100 Peninsula Drive, Rowlett, TX, 75089

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Corrupt real estate company that is partnered with Tower of Toys LLC. 3 of their owners were sued for safety and health violations. Michael J Heuer, Alyson C Heuer, Kimberly A Heuer. 972-412-6066 and 214-395-7685. So corrupt they have 2 different addresses for the same business address. 11102 Liberty Grove Rd, Rowlett, TX, 75089 and 100 Peninsula Drive, Rowlett, TX 75089.

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Category: Distribution And Sales

Mike Michael Heuer, 11102 Liberty Grove Rd, Rowlett, TX, 75089

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Nosy neighborhood creep and religious fanatic that likes to harass your guests but then acts nice and fake to your face. His biased and intolerant. He will lie right to your face when confronted. He works at Paragon Sales Company but is a real estate flipper on the side. He probably only rents and sells to caucasians. He probably got into some trouble for this...probably why he uses nicknames and changed his home address from Liberty Grove to Peninsula.

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