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'liverance, South Dakotey, South Dakota

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This man's only hobbies are watching Impractical Jokers and dehumanizing the LGBTQ+ community.

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Category: Intellectual Property Attorney—Who Is Not Much Of An Intellectual

Deliverance, South Dakotey, South Dakota

Rating: 1 out of 5.

If I could time travel, the first thing I would do is make sure that I never met this bastard.

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Category: Intellectual Property Attorney—Who Is Not Much Of An Intellectual

Deliverance, South Dakotey, South Dakota

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Deliverance is the most unprofessional, unproductive patent attorney I have met. He frequently comes to work high on Robitussin and passes out or mocks his coworkers.

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Category: Intellectual Property Attorney—Who Is Not Much Of An Intellectual

Deliverance, South Dakotey, South Dakota

Rating: 1 out of 5.

He will go to hell if his tempermental behavior continues.

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Category: Intellectual Property Attorney—Who Is Not Much Of An Intellectual

Deliverance, South Dakotey, South Dakota

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This casually misogynistic, abusive man should be in a prison cell—not the workplace. Everyday, Deliverance tells his female coworkers that they should quit their jobs because he believes that “Women ain't smart 'nuff to be lawyers.” He also has told his boss during numerous meetings to “git off the goddamn in’erweb” because it takes up the bandwidth from his redneck car shows. Yes. This actually happens! During meetings!!! Moreover, Deliverance often calls 9-1-1 to avoid meetings and watch redneck car shows, Hawaii Five-O, or Minecraft streams. He also loves to chase his coworkers with a flame striker and scream “AYE!”

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Category: Intellectual Property Attorney—Who Is Not Much Of An Intellectual

Deliverance, South Dakotey, South Dakota

Rating: 1 out of 5.

This casually misogynistic, abusive man should be in a prison cell—not the workplace. Everyday, Deliverance tells his female coworkers that they should quit their jobs because he believes that “Women are not smart enough to be lawyers.” He also has told his boss during numerous meetings to “git off the goddamn in’erweb” because it takes up the bandwidth from his redneck car shows. Yes. This actually happens! During meetings!!! Moreover, Deliverance often calls 9-1-1 to avoid meetings and watch redneck car shows, Hawaii Five-O, or Minecraft streams. He also loves to chase his coworkers with a flame striker and scream “AYE!”

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Category: Intellectual Property Attorney—Who Is Not Much Of An Intellectual


Rating: 5 out of 5.

This man is actually an EXCELLENT patent attorney but needs to stop dressing like Spider Man. Knock it off with the tight polyester. You're a fifty-six-year-old nerd--not Tom Holland!

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Category: Doctor

Travis Dwywer, various, DE

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Dr Travis Dwyer told me he was experienced with a simple ankle procedure. I had a list of questions my Orthopedic doctor had told me to ask. Dr Dwyer said he was experienced with this simple procedure which he was not, in fact he had never did this surgical procedure and was using me to teach himself. This all became apparent post op when my ankle joint was hanging out the side of my leg, my foot up on the side making it difficult to get around. I continued to request him to do xrays to see what the problem was and he would not do them. He did tell me sine they are a teaching facility he was going to teach this procedure. Now if he already had the experience this would of never came up. He has crippled me, destroyed my life and I still may have to have an amputation. I finally went back to the Orthopedic doctor but the damage was so extensive there was nothing he could do he referred me to an expert to try to reconstruct my leg, ankle and foot with plates, rods, screws and grafts. The Orthopedic doctor said the surgery Dwyer did was not what he did and the expert told me no doctor can ever cut through the bone in which Dr Dwyer did this would happen. The Doctors had never seen any surgeon use that surgical technique. What made it worse is instead of Dr Dwyer sending to someone to fix his errors he continued to have me come in 6 months for post op appointments. He knew there were horrible problem he didn't refer me out asap to someone that may of been able to help so the damage was not so extensive. Not only did the ankle bone die but I had dead bones on the foot and the leg bone all because he remained negligent. He was trying to figure out how to hide this negligent mistake which only made the damage worse. Per the infectious disease doctor I would of became sepsis and probably died. the bottom line is he was negligent pre and post op. The state in which I live (DE) has the medical board and recently arrested a doctor for medicare fraud and identity theft of his minor patients. The consumer advocate group noted DE is not know for disciplining like the other States. Attorneys don't want cases unless there are millions being net into their pocket and my leg hasn't been amputated yet therefore the case wasn't worth as much and my statue expired. I had a good salary until he touched me. While I was trying to obtain an attorney I came across one that had a current case and this man had an amputation. A few months ago a lady sent me a message through FB asking if I was the person who posted a previous review on this Doctor, she to has issues from his surgery and is trying to seek medical attention elsewhere to see if it can be corrected. Do not trust this doctor, Do not let this doctor touch you unless you want to gamble with your ability to walk or live. He should be charged with 1st degree assault but all doctors are above the law. If they are charged it has to go through the corrupt medical board first.

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Category: Worst Bankruptcy Attorney

Joyce Lindauer, 1412 Main St Suite 500, Dallas, TX 75202

Rating: 1 out of 5.

I retained Joyce in 2019. First retainer was $2,500. Joyce gave me a rough estimate of $4-$5,000 and 6 months to resolve my legal matter. 3 years and $12,000 later, this idiot lawyer is still working on my case. I don't hear from her for months at a time. When I call, it takes 30 minutes to get her to remember who I am. Its like deja vu. I agree with the other reviewers. Joyce is not aging well and her mind is slipping. She is very good at remembering when you owe her money. That's about it. My friends have told me that she is ripping me off and probably charging me for the 30 minutes everything I have to re-explain who I am. Its 2023 and I will be looking for a new attorney. I recommend you take your business elsewhere. There are plenty of real lawyers in Dallas that work at big law firms. Joyce works with a part-time assistant and some young lawyer in training. Not much of a law office or firm, which is why I thought I was getting a cheap deal. Boy was I wrong.

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Category: Doctor

angela guzetta, dallas

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Lousy Doctor - Drove 40 minutes to see this doctor and she abandon me excuses were made as if my time was not important. 40 minutes to see some woman named Ashley. Waste of Everyones time. Learn to use a telephone if you not available. Angela Guzzetta reinforces one truth among all veterans they think were garbage and can not be bothered. Is it to much to ask to show up on time. I did it for 20 years. What is it with the va hiring these doctors not sure witch is worse Angela guzzetta or my cable guy who shows up sometime between 8 an 12 off at lunch and 1 and 5 pm. Management stinks in this place. If anyone if us Veterans did we would be AWOL or in the brig.

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